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tv   ABC 7 News at 1100  ABC  August 31, 2012 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT

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>> live and in hd, this is abc 7 news at 11:00. on your side. >> a local church has to explain itself after a volunteer is arrested on sex charges involving at least one child that attends the place of worship. a long time charge outh grove volunteer is locked up. the 23-year-old is accused of sexually abusing a 14-year old. he volunteers at the church in fairfax county. police are looking into whether he has abused other children. richard reeve is live with this disturbing story. >> certainly it is disturbing for many folks here in clifton. the suspect -- the suspect
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james west, was a youth and tear for several years. -- volunteer for seven years. in place of worship, prayer, trust. but friday night, residents got the shocking news that the 23 year-old james west, a youth group volunteer, is charged with sexually abusing a 14-year-old church member. >> they got something in appropriately occurred. >> the youngster's parents call police august 3. they told them west had given are offered massages to other people. >> he seemed to hear about these things more and more these days. >> police believe he transport the victim to a nearby home where he was living at the time and sexually abused him there. >> children do not always have a
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voice and are easy targets. >> she is a teacher on leave who was worked with child abuse victims. >> every organization needs to protect the people working especially with minors. >> police say he was not a paid churinvestigators are trying to find out if there are other victims. there is much anger. >> he cannot be trusted. >> the church pastor says on the advice of attorneys they are not commenting tonight but he does say they will be discussing the case in a church on sunday. west faces two counts of aggravated sexual battery player -- battery. police say have any permission they would like to hear from you. >> detectives in prince george's county are starring be kettering committee looking for
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answers in the murder of a 17- year-old girl. eight are looking for the person who broke into amber stanley's home a week and a half ago and shot her multiple times as she lay in her bed. the suspect may have -- so as not to draw attention. police have yet to find evidence or athe holiday weekend is here. along with it, and a threat of some showers and storms in time for labor day. quiet and clear now but the end of the summer, will feel like the middle of the season as a big in the weekend. bob ryan is here with a look at the holiday forecast. >> we have had another day today with above 95 degrees. as we close out the last weekend of summer. look at our current temperatures. 85 degrees here in washington at 11:00. athe 70's. here is a little moisture coming our way. that is the storm that was
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formally known as isaac still causing all sorts of problems in the middle part of the country. look at the amount of rain that just fell today in pine bluff arkansas. we have that blue moon. a lot of folks are talking about that. tomorrow, another 90 degree day. bbq's on wheels? i will join you in a few minutes to explain. >> president obama had a firsthand look at the hurricane damage of isaac on monday. rescue crews just beginning to get a picture of the death toll in the wake of the storm. an elderly couple tried to ride out the storm but once the flood waters rushed in there was little chance for them to escape. >> the border came up so fast. -- the water came up so fast. emergency personnel had a rough time getting out.
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the elderly couple meeting assistance -- would have been very tough to do. the death of the couple and at least two other people have complained -- have been blame d on isaac. a local nightclub owner speaks out after police closed his place of business. this afternoon, prince george's county police padlocked club elite in temple hills. autria godfrey is live now with more. >> this is the 12th establishment like this that prince george's county police have shut down and just this year. their clothes because they were operating without a dance permit and youth and occupancy permit but it has the lead in a rash of violence. this is what the owner says his
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club should look like on a friday night before a long weekend. instead tonight, it is dark after prince george's county police will -- brought business to a halt. doors were locked for good after a recent wave of violence. but the night, a man was shot while dancing and two weeks ago a man was stabbed in the parking lot. backup officers attention and today a notice now lets customers know the business was operating without proper permits. >> this is the message we want to sent to business owners. this is what will happen to your establishment if you violate counted laws and threatened the safety of our community. >> the owner claims the recent incidents are isolated and are willing to work with police to get the doors reopened. he says he is losing out on thousands of dollars each night the lights are out. >> everyone loses money. but we had an incident that happened that we do not ever
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want to have happen. >> to women showing up for their night out the not want to show up on camera but are shocked by the closure. paul said he stopped coming a year ago because of the new crowd the club was attracting. >> the younger people were coming. some problems. >> that is what prince george's county police say. the owners were violating. >> thank you. virginia tech may now have to pay up for the people 2007 massacre that left 31 people dead. a judge ruled the university would not have to pay a $55,000 general fine but are a dug-in reinstated half of the find saying they should pay $27,500 for waiting more than two hours to inform the campus of the fatal shooting. officials can appeal that ruling. crews were forced to shut down
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their construction after a water main break in arlington. it happened this morning in crystal city. borders try to shut off the flow but that did not work. -- workers tried to shut off the flow but that did not work. the water at the site is now being pumped out. still to come, mitt romney stops in virginia to check on hurricane victims in louisiana. we will show you who did make it to the old dominion. a delay in the plan for you to use your credit card in d.c. taxithey are on hold.
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>> the republican national convention has wrapped up and presidential hopeful milan is now touring louisiana to see the damage from hurricane isaac. he was scheduled to come to virginia but instead went to jefferson parish, south of new
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orleans. the campaign is dismissing claims this was a politically motivated trip. he said he went to louisiana to raise awareness of relief effort. paul ryan made a stop in battleground virginia this afternoon. he spoke to a crowd of several hundred people at the richmond international airport. he said he and mitt romney would put the american dream in attacked again. this is his third trip to virginia since three weeks ago. >> president obama visited texas to thank the troops to years to the day he ended the combat mission in iraq. he said they left iraq with honor. next week, president obama will make stops in norfolk, virginia, before heading to the democratic national convention. gordon peterson and scott thuman will be at the convention in charlotte next week. the we did look for their
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reports at 5:00, 6:00, and 11:00. a terrible day of traffic is expected the day after the holiday weekend. and some big cuts to the redskins coming up in sports.
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anncr: it'll start out as concrete and steel... but it'll become so much more. a new world-class resort casino in prince george's county. two thousand construction jobs to build it. four thousand permanent, good-paying jobs when it's done. hundreds of millions for maryland schools... real oversight to make sure the money goes... where it's supposed to. but none of it will happen unless we vote for... question seven this november. vote for question seven. and help build a better future for maryland.
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>> you are watching abc 7 news at 11:00. on your side. >> up to 10,000 people may have been exposed to a deadly disease at yosemite national park. the virus has flu like symptoms and a killed 36% of the people who contract it. officials are concerned about people who stayed in insulated cabins over the past summer. two have died in the latest outbreak and foubecome ill. a prince george's county woman expected t after an apartment fire in temple hills. it is thanks to the heroics of one firefighter. she was found in the apartment. when he realized he cannot get her out, he began buddy breathing with her.
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kilpatrick knew time was running out. >> she was screaming. she was telling me my feet are burning. i know she was burning. she was. my heart. >> the captain said is air had just about run out so he gave the woman one last breath and left to find help. minutes later, the woman was rescued and was expected -- and is expected to recove stopped the installation of the new smart leader in d.c. taxicabs. the $35 million project would allow passengers to pay with credit cards but the judge put up roll out on hold see results protests filed by two companies lost the bid for the contract. it will put it behind schedule by at least two months and could be delayed until next spring. next tuesday is a data taurus for traffic in the washington area. the day after labor day is called terrible traffic tuesday
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because of the combination of people going back to work, kids going back to school. transportation experts say the number of cars on their road is the same as in a day in august. the problem is that everyone is on the road at the same making for heavier rush hours and lots frayed tempers. the reflecting pool at the national memorial is back toconstruction fence is down. the pool had been sinking in leaking over the years. the product cost more than $34 million and was funded by president obama's economic stimulus. we have some many memorials. >> isn't it nice to see it back? >> yes, it is beautiful. >> think of the history and went folks came and saw digging going
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on. >> it was black crepe. lovely though. great for the weekend. -- uitit was not nice. lovely though. wait for the weekend. >> are temperature outside right now is still in the mid 80's after being a high temperature today of 97. no prettier spot in the whole wide world. here is what was formerly known as hurricane isaac. still causing a lot of problems. out in the atlantic, there is another one. that is kurt and leslie. the topics are really alive. even in the pacific. but none of that heading our way. we will see some leftover moisture. look at syracuse. while we were into the high 90 posted today, 97 degrees, 93
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degrees. we are still at 85 degrees. out in the mid part of the country, some of that left over moisture continues to move. you can see that circulation. that will be coming our way as we get into the weekend. that is the reason we have a barbecue's on sunday. those are the days you will more likely see showers. tomorrow morning, temperatures will be in the mid-high 70's. a risk of an afternoon thundershower. by and large to mark during the afternoon, while there will be some hard -- high clouds not as high or hot. sunday and monday, a leftover front. that moisture coming our way. that is when there is an increasing risk of afternoon showers and thundershowers. rather monday.
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mao morning tomorrow morning. avis of thundershowers -- mild morning tomorrow morning. mild risk of thunderstorms. planning outdoor activities on sunday and monday, be prepared for a bit of leftover rain showers. some of those rain shower was could be heavy. -- rain showers could be heavy. >> great way to start school. but mchenry is here with us. -- britt mchenry is here with us. >> say goodbye and hello to your new team. some surprising moves. they will have the details for you. why is this man smiling? it was a record night for the
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>> the toyota sports desk is brought to you by your local toyota dealers, moving you forward. >> the last time the nationals and cardinals franchises were at least 10 games over 500 and played against each other was almost 20 years ago. as lot has changed for the better. the nets continue to stifle the most potent offense. ryan zimmerman. he says that is what their offense is about. forget say lewis. a 10-0 lead. more than enough for their 80th win. the story of the night with gio gonzalez. going the distance. gave up five hits. first career shutout. 70 the wind. the most ever by a nats picture in a season. -- 70th win.
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the most ever by a nats pitcher in a season. they win 6-1. everyone knew roster cuts around the nfl were coming today. the redskins have to make 23 cut. not that many predicted tim hightower would be one of them. he was coming back from an injury in going into the preseason was the presumed favorite to start the season as tailback. but it kept offered morris -- the reskins kept alfred morris. tenard jackson suspend indefinitely for violating the drug policy. this is his third offense. he is expected to reveal but that could take up to a year. the last decade the men's tennis, to names resonant the loudest --pnadal and federdr.
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-- nadal and federer. but andy roddick - here he is match point. he announced his retirement on thursday but it is not over yet but that win. he easily dominated austin bernard. does not want to go out yet. despite the sanctions against penn state, the football program will still go on. tonight at the pep rally. with an 15,000 people displayed their support. they are banding together showing some support. >> coming up, by thein the passenger seat
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at bank of america, we're continuing to lend and invest in the people, businesses, and organizations that call greater washington home. whether it's funding an organization that provides new citizens with job training, working with anan anacostia school that promotes academic excellence or supporting an organization that serves 5,000 meals a day across d.c., what's important to the people
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of greater washington is important to us, and we're proud to work with all those who are making our communities stronger. >> do not try this one the next time you want to drive a dented the hov lane. a woman tried to pass a teddy bear off as a passenger. she missed -- admits she was in a hurry and wanted to get home. the bear was already in the back seat. she figured when i get him up front. did not work. she ended up with a $260 ticket. she says she is normally not a rule breaker but hopes she can
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get the fine we did. at least the bear did not get arrested. bob has the final
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organic artichokes, organic lettuce, organic kale... does your cauliflower have a big carbon footprint? not at all. that's great. melons!!! oh yeah!! well that was uncalled for. uhh... mr. gallagher. incoming!!! hahaha! it's wasteful. you know jimmy. folkwho save hundreds of dollars switching to geico sure are happy. how happy, ronny? happier than gallagher at a farmers' market. get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more.
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>> last additional weekend of summer. it is the last day of summer for me urologist. pretty quiet at the beaches. they are getting ready for tomorrow. 78 degrees. tomorrow here, in the 90's. a risk later into the weekend of afternoon showers and thundershowers. not a wash out. be prepared. hope you have a wonderful weekend.
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